
Monday, June 30, 2014

Thirty by Thirty Progress

Happy Monday everyone! Last year I decided to make myself a little “Thirty by Thirty” bucket list of things I’d like to do before I reach my next decade. I’m sad to say that in the 16 months since I published the list I’ve only completed 6 of my 30 goals. I’m hoping that posting my progress (or lack thereof) will motivate me to cross some more items off my list.

So here is my Thirty by Thirty list as printed last year, with completed items crossed off and my notes in italics.

1. Visit New York City

2. Travel to California

3. Take a trip with girlfriends to somewhere fun like Vegas or California

4. Go back to Europe

5. Complete JCCC’s interior decorating certificate (this May!) Completed May 2013 Smile 

6. Start my own interior decorating business Coming soon!

7. Be featured in a print publication like Spaces or KC H&G Not quite as big as Spaces, but last November our home was featured in Ink Magazine!


8. Be featured on a big blog like Apartment Therapy (and not as part of a contest I entered myself in Smile)

9. Get 100 followers on my blog Might nix this one as “followers” is a loose term, but I am up to 84 facebook fans!

10. Get back to my wedding day weight

11. Have a baby. No rush on this one though, don’t get too excited Winking smile

12. Become an aunt. Obviously I have no control over this but it would be nice

13. Run in a big 5k race like Race for the Cure

14. Eat breakfast at Succotash Last year during our Staycation week!

Succotash collage

15. Have dinner at BlueStem

16. Explore contemporary art at The Kemper Museum Also during last year’s Staycation


17. Eat at one of KC’s BBQ dive’s like Gates or Oklahoma Joe’s

18. Attend the Plaza Lights Ceremony

19. Watch Gone with the Wind all the way through

20. Read one of the book club books all the way through and participate in the book club discussion Read “Tell the Wolves I’m Home” and went to book club in Columbia this past February

21. Watch Mary Poppins (yep, never seen it)

22. Watch The Sound of Music (never seen this one either) My friend Michelle bought me this for my birthday last year but I haven’t watched it yet

23. Read Emma by Jane Austen

24. Watch every best picture Oscar nominee before the Oscars one year

25. Go the Illinois vs. Missouri Border Wars basketball game

26. Try Brussels sprouts I’ve tried them a few times now, but the best version was the fried Brussel Sprouts at Big Grove Tavern in Champaign, IL

27. Throw a fancy dinner party for friends I’ve hosted dinner for friends several times, but none were quite what I would consider “fancy”

28. Attend a live taping of a national TV show

29. Learn to play golf decently

30. Practice yoga regularly (as in, at least twice a week for several months in a row)

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