
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Symphony Showhouse 2014

One of the things I love about Kansas City is the design community. They put on a lot of great events throughout the year, including one of my very favorites, the Symphony Showhouse. I went last year and it blew me away, so of course I had to go again this year. Ben and I went on a Friday afternoon in May and I dare say, this year’s house was even better than last year.

Here are a few pictures to give you a taste of the amazing-ness.

Outisde 1


This year’s house was a gorgeous three-story house that was built in the early 1921. A lot of the original features were still intact, including the gorgeous leaded glass windows with stained glass insets.

Blue room 1

blue room collage

The main living room, nicknamed the “Blue room” for obvious reasons, was one of the highlights of the tour. It was designed by John Rufenacht, an incredibly talented designer I know through Dining by Design.

Other gorgeous living spaces included a sunroom and an attic game room.


Attic collage

The attic even had a cute little doggie room off of it!

Dog room 2

The house had the most gorgeous bathrooms ever. Seriously, I was die to have any of these in my house!


Bathroom 3

Bathroom 2

So pretty right! The good news/bad news it that there are too many pictures to show in one post, so come back tomorrow to see the rest of the showhouse!

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