
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

On My Wish List

I have many on going wish lists, but this one is my Amazon list.  Specifically, a list for design books and others that I feel would be helpful and/or pretty to own.  Last Christmas my mother-in-law gave me two beautiful design books that I had asked for: Domino and Design*Sponge at Home.  I love both of them, and they look so pretty displayed on my console table!


I’ve been mentally bookmarking other books I would love to add to my collection and I thought I would share them with you.  Not as a request for this year’s Christmas presents or anything, just because I like them Smile 


Another popular design book by Deborah Needleman, the former editor of Domino magazine


A lovely coffee table book filled with absolutely gorgeous photos of Paris.  You can see more of Nicole’s work on her blog, Little Brown Pen, and in her Etsy store, The Paris Print Shop 


I haven’t seen or read much about this book yet, but as I said yesterday, I love Sabrina Soto’s show The High Low Project.  I’m sure her book has just as good information and beautiful designs as the show does. 


A book about blogging!  From the creator of Oh Joy! (that second exclamation mark is part of the name, not just showing my excitement…)


Another design book that I’ve read a lot about.  I’ve flipped through it at Barnes and Noble and it has some wonderful work in it. 


This is a must have.  Young House Love is such a wonderful blog written by two very down to earth people who just love to share their experiences in making their home more lovely.  I can’t wait to see some of the secret projects they’ve been working on for the book! 

Do you have any design/coffee table/other fun books that you love or would love to own? 

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