
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Hello 2015!

I know I’m a little late with this post, as we’re already a whole week in to 2015, but such is life (especially mine). Things are getting back to normal around here after a stressful and busy December. After I declared “I’m back!”, life decided to laugh at my declaration and give us more crap. My mother-in-law had to have a tumor removed from her brain 3 days before Christmas. Thankfully the surgery went very well and she was able to come home the next day, in plenty of time for Christmas.

We spent Christmas day with my husband’s family and then made the long drive back to Illinois to see my family. We had about 24 hours at home before we both got hit with the stomach flu. Not the way you want to spend a weekend back with your family.

Anyway, since 2014 ended on a not so great note, it made me feel like the whole year was a big let-down. Looking back on it though, even though we did have some hard times, we had a really great year. And even though my blog and decorating business are not at the level I dream for them, I did get some amazing opportunities that I’m so thankful for.

Here are a few highlights by the numbers:

Appeared in one television segment for Better KC.


Attended one fantastic blogger conference and several blogger meetups

Decorated one apartment for my best friend.


Had one awesome summer staycation with my love

Celebrated one amazing book by attending the release party and reading it for my friends’ book club.

Attended two store openings: West Elm and Ikea

Took two vacations to West Palm Beach and Washington D.C.


Attended six fantastic concerts: the Sing-Off tour, Backstreet Boys, Ben Folds, Capitol Cities, Justin Timberlake, and Cage the Elephant.

Made it another twelve months with good health, good friends, wonderful family, a loving husband, and a beautiful home. Can’t ask for too much more!

Here’s to an even better 2015!

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