
Friday, July 11, 2014

Look What I Found at the Bookstore

Happy Friday friends! I hope you all have had a fabulous week. My schedule this week has been a little off due to Ben working noon to 10 p.m. all week. I didn’t think I’d mind it too much but I really hated it. Luckily he’s back to a normal shift next week so my schedule can get back to normal as well.

Wednesday night I went out with one of my really good friends who just moved to Kansas City. We had sangria and snacks at Bravo and then went to see Chef. I didn’t know much about this movie but I had read Meg’s glowing review, so when Rachelle said she wanted to see it I was game. It was wonderful! It was one of those rare feel-good movies that isn’t the least bit cheesy. I would definitely recommend it if you’re looking for a good movie to see.

After the movie I stopped in to Barnes & Noble just to look around. I was walking back to the children’s section to check out The Mark of the Dragonfly when some design books caught my eye, so I decided to browse the interior design section. That’s when I came across this beautiful guy:


I was introduced to Scalamandre last year when I worked on Dining by Design and I fell in love, especially with the iconic zebra print. But the main reason I pulled the book was to check out this page:



It’s the table I worked on at Dining by Design! The design was all by Katy Sullivan, I just assisted in gathering and assembling all the materials, but it was a really exciting project to work on nonetheless. Seeing a gorgeous photograph of our table in this big beautiful book was a little surreal.

For a better look at the table, here are I few of my photos from the event:





Next time you’re browsing at a bookstore I would suggest flipping through Scalamandre: Haute Décor, it really is a gorgeous book!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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