
Monday, April 28, 2014

HomeGoods Blogger Event Recap

This Saturday was a busy, busy day for me. I got up early so I could attend a private shopping event at HomeGoods that started at 8:00 a.m. That’s much earlier than I like to be up and about on the weekend but it was totally worth it. Angela from Handmade in the Heartland worked with the HomeGoods on Ward Parkway in Kansas City to put together an awesome shopping event for her friends and followers. Everybody got a $10 gift card just for attending, and we had opportunities to win extra shopping money by playing “The Price is Right” and by instagramming photos of a favorite item in the store. This photo won me another $20!

Of course I took advantage of the private shopping time before the store opened to browse the store and pick up some new goodies. Look at all the fun stuff I spotted there!

HG CRowley Chairs

HG Benches

HG Rugs

HG Cushions

HG Dogs

HG Pillows

HG Tea pot

HG Blue

I wanted to buy just about everything I saw but I limited myself to only one cart’s worth of new treasures Winking smile. I bought a set of nice new plastic water glasses and some birthday gifts for my sister in law: a pretty picture frame, a scented candles, and a box of French chocolate cookies.

I also bought a new pet bed and some new throw pillows: 

HG Bed

HG My pillows

In addition to the gift cards, Angela also gave everyone a nice handmade present. How cute is this sign?!

HG gift

I’m so glad I went to the HomeGoods event, not only because of the shopping and free gifts, but also because I got to see a bunch of my new blogging buddies I met at Go Blog Social! It was great to see these girls again!

The rest of the day was spent downtown at DIFFA KC’s Conversations on Dining and Dining by Design. Come back later this week for my recap of these amazing events!

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