
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Crazy Week

Hi friends! I’m sorry that I’ve been missing all week, but if you knew my schedule you would understand. When I’m not in class or sleeping I’m pretty much working on getting ready for Dining by Design. I have been running around the city nonstop to pick up and drop off materials; I actually went through a full tank of gas in 3 days and I never even left town! Even though I am exhausted at this point my excitement for the event is keeping me going. I am *so* excited for everything: to see our tables come together, to see what the other designers have come up with, and for the actual event of course!

I will definitely share a recap with lots of photos next week but for now here are a couple previews.

**Shameless plug: There are still tickets available to the Dining by Design gala as well as to the daytime event, Conversations on Dining. That one is only $20 and you’ll get to see all of the beautiful tables, meet the designers, and hear some really interesting and successful people talk. Plus there’s free wine from La Crema and coffee from the Roasterie, so it will be worth your time and money Smile Click here to buy tickets!



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And that’s all you get for now Smile I can’t wait to see how our tables turn out!

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