
Friday, September 28, 2012

I Want to Go to the Ball

And by ball I mean gala, the Kemper Gala to be specific.  The Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art in Kansas City is hosting their annual gala on October 13.  According to their website, the festivities will include dinner from Café Sebastienne, live music, a DJ, a graffiti artist, premium open bar, a swanky lounge, and late night food truck food, as well as access to all the galleries.

The best part though? They are hosting two very special guests:

Genevieve Gorder

picture via HGTV

and Jonathan Adler


picture via

Cleary this is going to ben an awesome party.  Tickets are actually pretty reasonable for an event like this; $150, or if you’re a youngin’ (under 30) like me, it’s only $75.  Now it’s just a matter of convincing my hubby that we NEED to go.  Or, if any of you wonderful readers want to sponsor me (that’s nicer than saying buy me tickets, right?), that would be lovely too Smile 

Now it’s time to take a nap so I’m fully energized for the Ben Folds Five concert tonight!! Everyone have a wonderful weekend!

ben fold five

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